Knowing what a political party stands for helps to make democracy easier for the user (er, that’s us). Makes perfect sense, right?
Where this all breaks down is Canada’s erratic and hallucinatory Liberal Party.
The latest case is Keith Martin, the MP who is demanding the gutting of Canada’s hate laws. “Hold on,” you say, “isn’t the Liberal Party the party of diversity, multiculturalism and respect for human rights?” Sure it is. But it’s also now the party of hate groups.
This is not new. In an attempt to be all things to all people all the time, the Liberal Party has taken the aggregation of interests to the bizarre end of the aggregation of opposite interests.
For another example, if you want the Afghanistan mission to end, there are Liberal MPs for that. But if you want it to go on indefinitely, there are Liberal MPs for that too.
And if you are in favour of public health care, there are Liberal MPs for that. But if you want private delivery, there are Liberal MPs for that too.
It is now to the point that you can expect to find no greater unity of opinion on any issue in the Liberal Party of Canada than you would on a city bus. The difference is, at least the people on the bus know where they are headed.
Silly me. I thought free speech and particularly the ability to question religion WAS a human right.
Blogging Horse, why are you lumping the Liberals all in with Keith Martin? Isn't that like lumping all Conservatives in with Conservative MP Ken Epp for fetal rights?
Questioning religion is one thing KC - singling out a specific religion and lumping them all together as evil-doers is quite another.
Hey Horse, looks like some journalists picked up on this:
"Liberal MP wins unwelcome praise from white supremacists for free speech stand"
I'm glad that Martin is still running for the Leadership of the Canadian Alliance.
Shouldn't the Liberals kick him out of caucus for this? I know that if he was a Tory, Ralph Goodale would be be raising his fat ass in the National Press Theatre to compare Martin to Hitler.
I thought free speech and particularly the ability to question religion WAS a human right.
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