This was the party that came to Ottawa because of Mila Mulroney's shoes.
This was the party that came to Ottawa to end MP's "gold plated pensions."
This was the party that came to Ottawa to shut down the parliamentary barber.
This was the party that came to Ottawa to turn Stornaway into a bingo parlor.
Now after only 16 months around the limos, plush offices and hot and cold running "yes-people," these Conservatives are more Ottawa than skating on the Rideau.
"Um, just a bit more concealer on my hypocrisy, will you? That's better."
The great makeover. We won't be fooled.
Only a dipper would assume that Harper had principles just because he said he did.
Dana - what is wrong with you tonight? You are running around the blogosphere tonight spitting venom at the NDP on my site, tyler kinch's site and elsewhere - Things are shaky for the Liberals, I know that, but you are really over the top lashing out at New Democrats.
What the hell triggered all of this?
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